Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tags, Toes, and Theaters

I feel like I have been noticing some new things about little Olive, and just wanted to share them. They may seem like small things, but to her, everything is huge!!

I have been reading this awesome book called What's Going On in There  and in it they discuss everything from brain development, social development, to how the eye develops. It's pretty technical, but understandable. So, don't know why I mentioned that... where am I going...? (mama brain at its finest..)

Anyways, I've noticed that not only is the becoming a pro at grabbing things, she now transfers objects from one hand to another. This seems small, but I read about how important it is in that book. AH hah, thats probably why I brought up that book. Anyways, shes doing that now, and its really amazing to watch. Sometimes when she is laying on her play mat it just looks like shes laying there not doing much, but then you look closer and your like... "Wait... shes moving that ring from one hand to another". Day made. Shes so smart.

Also, It says that her eyes are developed enough that she can notice, and be interested in small details on things. Lately, its been TAGS. She can have this super cool, colorful, crinkly, fun, and awesome toy dangling in her face, and she will spend a long time just touching the tag. she stares at it, touches it gently, and strokes it with the tips of her fingers. I am, of course, fasinated.

What else.... OOh yes, I noticed this week that her Babinski reflex is gone. Its the one where if you stroke the bottom of her foot, newborns stretch out their toes. Adults, and older babies, curl their toes in. This reflex is there at birth and can be there for up to 2 years. She's so advanced. hahaha

Thank you to Grandma Sandy, we have her first (and amazingly pretty) HIGH CHAIR!!! She went in it today for the first time, and ate some squash, like a pro! I cant wait to make her next meal!! What should it be?? She loves grabbing the spoon from me, so I remembered the old 2 spoon swapparoo trick I learned when I worked with infants, which has come in handy.

We took Olive to "baby night" at a local movie theatre last night to see the new James Bond movie! THe theatre was crowded with babies! Most were very young though. Probably because babies Olives age actually have bedtimes and are affected by changes in their environments...... She did pretty well, considering. Next time we know, she has to fall asleep BEFORE we go. It was NOT easy putting her down for the night in a movie theatre. Note to self. We had a good time though once she was sleeping. She was WIDE awake when it started, and she was standing on my lap, facing the screen, shouting "OOOOOHHH!!!!" over and over. It was adorable.

Today she weighed in at 16 pounds!!

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