Thursday, November 8, 2012

Voting Day!

Adam was out of town this week, so I got to spend every waking second of the day with my darling baby girl. It wasn't easy, but I think we had a good week! I am so thankful that she's a "good" sleeper! We are in the process of moving her to her own bedroom at night now, and I know it will be harder on me than her. I heard that its easier on them if you do it before 6 months, so.... Adam hooked up the baby monitor so I can watch her sleeping on the big screen. I'll probably have to turn off the sound though....

Anyways, on election day Olive wore this cute outfit that I intended her to wear on the 4th of July, but it was too big then. It's a 0-3 month, but still fits her. She's just petite I guess. Who would have known I would have a blue-eyed petite baby!?

Lately, new things include:
- grabbing for the pugs
- grabbing my face
- scratching everything
- really grabbing things well and putting them in her mouth
- doing that raspberry thing with her mouth
- trying to drink water from my cup
- trying to sit up

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