Saturday, November 24, 2012

So Thankful

This year I have so much to be thankful for, and if you can't tell from reading my blog, being Olive's mommy is on the tippy top of my list. She is just exploding with growth, love, and personality! I can't put into words how much I love her, and how thankful I am for her life and her health.

This year my parents and my brother, John, came over for thanksgiving dinner. Why I agreed to cook a dinner feast is beyond me, but I actually really enjoyed it. It was so nice being with them and sharing Olive with them. She's going through a little touch of what they call "stranger anxiety" right now, which makes it hard to pass her off   SHARE her with the family. I'm sure she will grow out of it, and everything I read just says its a good sign that she's just bonded with mom and dad right now. After a while though, she was able to be held by them, and I think they enjoyed seeing her smiling and playing.

She ate her first "food". I was SOOO excited I could hardly contain myself. I made a whole process of it. I went to the farmers market, picked the best squash I could.... cut it up and cooked the "best" part.... Mashed it up... We practiced eating milk with the spoon for days before.... OOH and it was fun! She was like.. "what is this"?? Swallowed, then squealed for more. It was the cutest thing ever. Unfortunately, I broke the memory card for our camera and only ONE picture was saved. This is it. Boy doesn't she look red headed?

We also discovered that ripping paper is the FUNNIEST thing ever to her. go figure.
I could watch this all day and night.

Speaking of night. Our little angel has graduated to her own room now. We've been napping her in there for months now, but she has stayed in our room in her co-sleeper until last night. I know everyone does things differently and at different times, but this was our time. It was the right time. She is no longer waking up to be fed at night, she's getting too big for the co-sleeper, and we want our room back! I read in several different places that if your going to move them, do it before 6-8 months when they are more sensitive to changes like that. She didn't mind at all. WE minded. Our little baby seems so "grown up". Adam hooked up the video monitor to our TV so anytime we wanted we could make sure she was ok.

She is so used to Lucy and Mango and they are so used to her, but over Thanksgiving there were 2 MORE pugs at our house, and one of them would actually allow Olive to grab and pull  gently pet him. She LOVED it!!! Jack is such a sweet boy. He didnt mind at all. She was actually being very gentle. Check out the onesie by the way....

Gone are the days where she just sleeps in the car. Gone are the days where we can go out to eat and she just sleeps the whole time. I took her newborn insert out of her carseat and bathe her in the big tub. Hello days of sleeping well. Hello days of smiles and giggles! Growing up!

Shes doing great! Another tooth is on the way...... oh boy.

1 comment:

  1. All great pictures! We sure enjoyed our Thanksgiving visit! Thank you for cooking such a great feast!! We enjoyed every moment!!
