Saturday, November 3, 2012


Today Olive and I were out, and we got our first "She's so BIG" comment, from a stranger! She's always been on the little side because she was born early. My reaction SHOULD have been "oh great! It means shes healthy and growing", but in my head I was like... "are you calling my baby fat"? I got all defensive, but I guess this was a compliment.... Oh, motherhood.

She's back to front seat on the fuss bus the past few days. I can see tooth #2 just below the surface, and it better come through quick. She's just not happy all day long. There is only so much Tylenol...

Meanwhile, in efforts to "make her happy", I've already started trying to buy her happiness. I went and bought this activity "jumper" for her to enjoy. Because she has horrible acid reflux, she doesnt love being on the ground, and I need somewhere to put her every now and then, so here it is. So far, shes only happy in there for 5 min at a time, but I will take what I can. She seems to really like it, and shes super cute in there.

Look how much learning happens in there!!! I love watching her learn!!!

Judge-y people, dont cast your judgement here. I no longer care about doing everything "right", and now care about finding what will work for us. If she watches a few minutes of TV, I dont care. If this contraption puts her in an "un-natural" position, don't care. If she's happy, I'm happy. :) 
I think Ive decided that the best thing I can actually do for her is to calm down and stop worrying about whats "right"or what I'm "supposed", and just be a happy normal person. :)


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