Friday, November 16, 2012

5 Months Already!?

Well I have come to realize today that my baby is growing up! Today was her 5 month milestone, but I feel like this past week she had so many new things happen. It's just happening so fast! I look at pictures of her months ago and I just think... "was she REALLY that small?"... "shes so SKINNY!"

I feel like in the past couple weeks Olive has woken up a little bit. She so aware of so many things. Before, she would just kinda lay there quietly watching everything. Lots of watching.... Then, some grabbing... But now she has wants. She gets mad when you take something away from her. When your holding something, she wants it. She waits for you to kiss her and really screams in delight when you tickle her.

I discovered this week that she LOVES the story The Three Little Kittens. She loves it SO much that she can be in FULL cry, and I just start saying it, and BAM she's quiet. It's like a magic potion.... You can imagine though, now she wants to hear it ALL the time. I stop, she fusses! hahaha I think its adorable.

Today I was all prepared to move her into her crib at night. I've been preparing for this whole month. Then, during her afternoon nap. I hear her wake and scream. I run in there, and she actually managed to roll on to her belly WHILE swaddled. This takes an enormous effort, but she is super strong. This means though that swaddle weaning time is here. We have really loved swaddling her every single day since she was born. It has calmed her, soothed her, and made it possible for her to sleep so long so early I think. Tonight we swaddled one arm, and she was not happy about it, but shes sleeping now. In a few nights, the swaddle will be history. My baby is growing up...

Teething sucks. Anyone who has an "easy teether" consider yourself lucky. Olive HATED getting teeth in, and she got 2 back to back, which meant she was pretty fussy all month. Shes generally a happy baby, so it was rough when she was so unhappy. More teeth will come, but I am hoping for a little break. For all of us.... Now though she has 2 of the cutest teeth ever. growing up...

She's really such a joy. I am thankful everyday for her and the love I feel for her. I just feel like I am the luckiest lady alive somedays. When she looks up at me with that toothy smile, big chubby cheeks, and huge blue eyes, I literally gasp sometimes. She makes all the work, heartache, and despair of years of infertility totally and completely worth it. If only I could go back in time to that Mimi laying in bed, surrounded by tissues, feeling completely broken . I would hold her and tell her that its going to be over soon, and in the end she would have this perfect little girl. I would tell her its worth it.

Totally worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Love every single picture! Happy 5 months to my adorable granddaughter! Grammie loves you!
