Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

It was a year ago today. I woke up just like any normal day. I dressed in my cute halloween socks, and went to work. I had just gotten a job as a long term substitute in an AMAZING school, teaching 4th grade. The day was just like any fun Halloween day. Dressing up, party, chaos. I was feeling good, and so happy to have this job.

I was driving home when it hit me. I was late. It didn't come as much of a surprise since I am irregular, and this has happened many times before. I was on the phone with my friend who convinced me to just go get a pregnancy test "just so I can sleep". I stopped at the CVS.

Adam was in Washington DC at some work thing, and I was all alone. I dreaded taking tests. I have peed on hundreds of them, and they always left me feeling sad, mad, and stupid for even my hopes up. Only one other time in the past 4 years of "trying" had I seen the plus sign, and that ended in heartbreak. I was scared, but like Charlie opening that Wonka Bar, I wondered if I would see that special golden ticket.

I did. I couldnt believe it. Really? I sat there and cried. I called Adam. I told him not to get his hopes up, but we couldnt help it. I keep this secret in. I laid on my bed, alone. I put my hands on my belly... Be strong, Be safe, Be healthy..... I repeated over and over as I cried. I closed my eyes slept. I drempt as I have before of this beautiful baby girl, the girl that was growing inside of me.

One year later I hold her in my arms, crying on her face. Thankful for this answered prayer. This miracle who has brought unimaginable love into our lives. One year ago today, she was a teeny tiny seed- sized embryo in my uterus. Today, she holds my finger and smiles at me. It's truly amazing.

Happy Halloween friends! This is a special day to me. Olive's "second" halloween.

Here she is as an "apple". Also, we went to a halloween party the other day, and it was WAY too hot to wear, so I made this apple CORE outfit and head piece for her. Cute huh? I love the head piece.


  1. Once again, I'm in tears! Beautiful story. She makes a beautiful little apple!

  2. Yep! This one made me cry, too. I am so thankful for your precious answer to prayer.
