Friday, October 26, 2012

Drum Roll....

October 25th: Olive rolls from back to tummy!
I missed it, but it stil happened.

She's really getting strong and loves practicing rolling from side to side.

She also learned how to SCREAM, which is super fun..... haha

She's been very vocal too. Lots of "oooooh"'s, "ooooo"'s, "ahhh goooo"'s, and "gah"'s.

When she burps she giggles when I do a fake burp. A good sense of humor has to star somewhere I guess... hahaha

Here are some pictures of us. I realized I didn't really have many of these. I'm too busy taking pictures of her. I am also usually covered in spit up, hair pulled back, and smell bad due to lack of brushing my teeth..... Also I am just not thrilled with mt big belly here. Not like it was small before... Im working on it.... Also, I made this sweater :)


  1. I love love love that you are in these pictures. I am happy to see that you are happy! OH, and she is always. Great job rolling, O!

  2. All great pictures! She looks so cozy in her little sweater! You will treasure these.
