Monday, October 1, 2012

Miss Social

Olive has really opened up and become a little social queen! She loves smiling and cooing at people. She gives the cutest shy flirty smile, and raises one eyebrow too. So cute. Lately, she's been spending a lot of time with friends and family! Here are some pictures!

Auntie Erin came last week. This is an older picture since I am bad and didn't take any new ones... but, this one is super cute too!

My friend, Liz came by and brought Olive all these wonderful tie-dyed outfits she made! Oh, and gluten free cupcakes! Thank you!!!!!

Auntie and Uncle Carolee and DJ ("Caroleejay") have been a huge part of Olives life! We see them almost every weekend! This time they brought her this amazing toy hand puppet with piggies. Olive LOOOOVES this toy! She loves them too!

Olive spent some time with grandma Sandy this past weekend! Grandma is so sweet with her! It's amazing how much they look alike (when Sandy was a baby they could have been twins)...

Here are pictures of Olive with great grandpa Howard (on his 104th bday!)

 2nd cousin Shannon, who was visiting from Hawaii and brought her some super cute things!

Bekka and her boys really enjoyed seeing little O. They were so excited to meet her! They brought her some super cute girly clothes and fun toys! Thank you for coming!! Then we went to the petting zoo!

My mom, "grammie", reading Olive the same story she read me when I was little, The Three Little Kittens! This was very special to me and warms my heart. Olive must have known it was special because she sat so still and listened very carefully. I think she's going to be a book lover!

We love all of the people in our lives, and love sharing Olive with everyone! She is so special, and its an amazing feeling to watch the other people we love in life enjoy her so much!!!!


  1. Such a cute posting. Grammy loves visiting her little Olive! Hugs to all!

  2. She is so precious. I am sure she brings so much joy! I really enjoy reading your blog, Mimi! Love and miss you!
