Friday, October 12, 2012


I feel like she's growing faster than I can capture on film or even document. It seems like everyday there is something new! Today she was laying on her play mat and i put  a new toy (this little fabric book) next to her, then I went to the kitchen to make a bottle. When I came back, the book was in her mouth and she was on her side. I was like.... that was fast! These days it seems everything is in her mouth. Mostly her hands and fingers.  She's rolling from stomach to back, she's giggling, and she's ticklish!!!

I just love watching her grow!! Some days I wish I could just push the freeze button and keep her the same. Other times I look forward to the next amazing milestone.

She now is sleeping 8-9 hours at a time at night (ahhhhh.....), eating 6-8 oz every 3-4 hours, and weighs over 12 pounds.

This past week we traveled for the first time. We drove down to Santa Cruz to visit Adam's family. Olive and the pugs did great in the car, and had a good week. Olive got totally grumpy after a few days though. I think she just was all out of her routine, and was overstimulated. She loved spending time there with grandma though.

Here is a picture of her laying in the crib that her great- grandpa made.

Here she is looking at a picture of daddy and Aunt Erin when they were kids.

Here is a couple shots from grandma and mom's photo shoot!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures. Yes she is growing fast! Such a little dolly!
