Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cute pictures

Oh my Oh my, my girl is so much fun. She really is exploding these days with smiles and personality. I just am so thankful for her, and thankful that I am able to be home with her during this amazing time.

She's rolling so well these days, and has now decided she likes rolling so much, she wants to sleep on her side and her stomach. This is weird to me because since the day she was born she has been on her back, and there is all this "she NEEDS to be on her back or she will die" pressure shoved down our throats that its weird that now its "ok" for her to choose how to sleep. SO, off came the swaddle, and she LOVES her side! I'll get used to it.

She is sitting now pretty well on her own, but topples over if we aren't right there to catch her. She's just so big now.

I'm looking forward to sharing the holiday card pictures we took, but those are being saved for later. Today we took these adorable pictures of Olive wearing an adorable outfit that her "CaroleeJay" gave her. Enjoy. Do I have the cutest baby or what?

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