Sunday, December 29, 2013

Part Two- Family Visit

Part Two: Visiting the Family

This was such a long trip, and as you can tell from the first week's pictures, it was a very busy trip. By the time we got to our first family stop, we were already pooped and overtired. Olive handled it all well, and was super excited to see new things and people, but we paid for it at night. She's usually a really good sleeper, but not during this trip. This made it super hard on us, but we made it through. I have new sympathies for people who struggle with sleep at this age. 

First stop: Adam's parents! They live in Aptos, overlooking the whole bay. It's just an amazing view that Olive cant really enjoy or appreciate yet, but she did enjoy other views... the dog, the clock, grandpa's chair, and new toys! Olive is a huge animal lover, and is so gentle and sweet with them all. Adam's parents dog, Bessie, was no exception. Olive would giggle as she fed her Cheerio after Cheerio! Bessie, who usually kinda hides when we visit, was out watching Olives every move, in hopes of getting another snack. Olive was fascinated by Adam's dad's wheel chair. She would make the hand sign for the wheels on the bus going round and round. She gave grandpa some hugs and high fives! Her two favorite things she did there were: One, swing on the swings at the park, and two, Play hide and seek with "Grandma Tiger". We would all run through the house, hiding, giggling and chasing! She LOVED this!!!
Adam and I on a sunset walk

One amazing sunset.

Despite the crazy look on her face, she was so happy to be swinging!

The Billingsley's

Here Olive met two puggy boys what she also fell in love with. My parents have two pug boys, who was so sweet and gentle with Olive! Olive loved running about my parents house, playing with them, the ornaments on the tree, and all the toys over there! She loved seeing my family too, although got stingy about loving on my dad sometimes. She loves him and thinks hes funny, but not because of his jokes! (hahah I love you dad!) My parents live in the mountains just outside Yosemite! Their cute house is nestled in the woods, and Olive enjoyed exploring and searching for the cat. 

While we were there, we couldn't resist going to Yosemite. I had never been there, and I really wanted to go. It ended up being a long car ride for Olive, who got grumpy in the car, but it was well worth the headache. I had seen pictures of this place, but being there in person was amazing. I hope to go back one day and hike around and see it more. Our trip was short because our toddler needed it to be (It was also FREEZING). I managed to snag some good picts though!

My wonderful mama!

My sweet man

Half Dome!

Grammie showing Olive how to make snow balls

My sister, Bekka, and her family joined us for a nice afternoon of food and silliness! Her 3 boys are growing up so fast, and its always nice to see and hug them! My mom make her delicious clam chowder. I made some seriously yummy chicken enchiladas, and we ate a lot! Bekka and I sang our "White Christmas" song, Olive and Owen took a bath and ran around naked together (haha one day that will be so embarrassing to them both). It was just a wonderful time enjoying family! I wish I took more pictures of this part of the trip. I think I was just so tired.

"Selfies with Aunt Bekka"

The last day of our trip we visited with Adam's sister and her husband. Erin and Kyle were so welcoming and its always nice to see them. Im sure we were all kinda grumpy at this point, but they didnt kick us out. We spend the day at the San Jose Discovery museum, where Olive ran all over the place "discovering" so many things. She loved it, and it totally wore us out.

We made it home at midnight on Christmas Eve. Everything was closed, and the only thing in our fridge was leftovers from Thanksgiving... no joke. Luckily, my mom sent us a lovely basket of meats and cheeses, that Adam and I pigged out on after a super long day of travel.

What a trip huh? Reading all this makes me no longer wonder why I am so tired the past week. I am literally in bed right now and its not even 7:30! We LOVED seeing our family and friends! We also doubt we will take a trip that long for a while. Its been a week since we got back and tonight was the first night Olive went to bed at a normal time. Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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