Sunday, December 29, 2013

Olive 1.5

Is she really a year and a HALF now? wow... I heard someone say that when it comes to parenting "the days are long, and the years are short"... I dont know how this is possible, but it's true. She's growing up and changing every single day. It's the most amazing this to see. What is Olive 1.5 up to these days? Oh EVERYTHING. I love going back and reading about her "milestones", so here they are.

She LOVES attention. (I have no clue where she gets this from!!!??) Everywhere we go she tries to interact with new people. We were in a Wendy's the other day and she just stood at the door and said "HI!" so anyone walking in. She also has her moods though where she wants NOTHING to do with other people. People will come over and talk to her, and she will actually turn her head and refuse to even LOOK at them. What a little diva huh? When around other children she keeps to herself and will watch others play, but leave them alone. So far she is very gentle and kind and respects others space. With older children she loves copying them. She will hand them things, and loves holding the hands of older girls.

Oh wow. Shes full blown running and climbing on everything. She has finally mastered climbing on chairs and couches and can get down properly, so I worry less about her falling from them...(unless she decides to RUN on them) She walks on tip-toes, walks backwards, walks sideways, stands on one foot, spins in circles, and "jumps" (not leaving the ground yet...) She will do all these things on command, if shes in the mood. She also is very proficient at using utensils. She can eat an entire thing of yogurt with her spoon, and picks up food with her fork. She colors well, and loves to paint! Im pretty sure she's right handed. She uses it for eating and coloring now. She has gotten really good at playing with the ipad. She can swipe her finger, chose the app she wants, play it, and change apps as needed. I have no idea how she picked this up so fast, but she did. Her hair has grown like a week the past month, and is still honey gold with little curls in the back. I love her hair. I think its beautiful!!! Last I weighed her she was around 25 pounds, and 32 inches tall. (Her Dr. Appt is Fri, so I can update). She's wearing a size 5 diaper and sleeping 10-12 hours at night with a 1-2 hour nap.

This is where I see the most change right now. She is EXPLODING here! I LOVE watching her learn and try new words. I notice something new everyday. TOday I heard her practicing putting the "S" sound at the end of words. I heard "Mama.... MamaS.... Mama.... MamaSSS". She still loves saying Mama and Dadda, but changes it up by calling us "Mommy and Daddy" now too. She knows all the basic colors now, and can say "purple", "green", "blue", "red", and "white". She drops a lot of the first sounds of things like "white" is actually "ITE", but I know thats very common to do. She can pretty much communicate with us what she wants, but gets extremely frustrated when she cant. I try to read her mind, but Im not the best at that either. She can put two words together, and I have heard occasional 3 word combos too. Things like "hi baby" "no mama" are common, and I heard once "mama wear green", but cant get her to repeat it. She also has started possessives like MY. "My dadda" or "My baby" is common. I also think its funny that all men are DADA and all women are MAMA. She will point out a man as "dadda", but when i ask if its HER dadda, she says NO.

We start the next swimming class in a couple weeks, which should be fun! For Christmas she got a new kitchen set, a bike (we push), babies, musical instruments, fake pots and pans and fruit, and a BUNCH of other stuff I cant remember right now. What a great age this is! The trick is finding things to keep her happy and busy! Happy New year friends! I hope you all have a healthy and happy 2014!

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