Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bay Area Trip- Part One

Part One: Our Trip to the Bay Area!

Merry Christmas family and friends! What a month this one has been for us! Im going to try to cover the things we have done, but there is so much!

We packed up our bags and flew off to San Francisco, California on December 7th. Adam had a conference so Olive and I found fun things to do around the city. We spent a whole day at the discovery Museum in Sausalito! OMG Olive was in HEAVEN! There were so many toddler-centered activities that were right up her alley! We went with our dear friends Rachel and
 her daughter, Jamilla and her daughter, and Deborah and hers. Girls day! Olive climbed, and painted, and played and played. She really had a blast!!!

Sporting her new North Face hat.

Playing in construction area.

Me with a couple of my favorite ladies. Rachel and Jamilla.

Me with Jamilla and Deborah!

Our girls playing!

Art is dirty! Someone prefers clean hands....

Music time!

Olive in a cave with her friend, Dalia!

Not too sure about this goo...

Inside a tree!

We stayed several nights with our amazing friends Carolee and DJ (We call them Caroleejay) Olive LOVES them, and their adorable poodle, Audrey.

Olive kissing a turtle at a park in the North Bay somewhere. 

Napping with Audrey on the couch.
Playing at a park in the city. 
Olive coloring with her friend, Ellie, and DJ.

Olive kissing "Uncle DJ".

We also met Santa! She was very unsure of him at first, and preferred to sit on MY lap. After this picture was taken though she was giggling and playing with him. The rest of the trip I would ask her what Santa says, and she would say "HO HO HO"!

Then, We stayed a few nights with my amazing friend, Rachel, and her darling daughter, Dalia. We had so much fun hanging out, but I didnt take that many pictures.... We did have a holiday party with several other moms we know in the area. This group of moms is a group that existed before our babies were conceived. We were friends during pregnancy and early motherhood. It was amazing seeing how grown up our kids are now! The rest of the time Dalia and Olive hung out while Rachel and I hung out, and I loved it! I truly miss seeing her now that I am so far away, but I know she is a forever friend.

Olive pushing Dalia around....

Relaxing time!

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