Monday, October 21, 2013

Sixteen going on Seventeen

Oh my my my Olive is growing! She is doing so many new things, its hard to keep track! She had her shots this past week, which are never fun, but she made it through fine. Lately I feel like she really understands everything I say, and loves following directions (Ill take it while I can...) She loves helping me do things, and loves being a big girl!

She is 24.5 pounds, 31 inches high. Her hair is almost touching her shoulders. She has 12 teeth. We are waiting for her canines. She can FULL RUN now, and loves to do it! She practices jumping and walking on her tip toes. I have no clue where she learned that, but its adorable. She climbs up everything, and is still pretty fearless, which makes me super nervous! At the park she goes down the slide all by herself now, and LOVES it. She is wearing 12-18 month clothes, and size 5 shoes.

She is a full blown toddler and seems like she is totally bi-polar! One second she is giggling and laughing about something. Then, Screaming "NOOOOOO!" with full eye tears and body falling to the ground, then, back to giggling about something else. It's a complete roller coaster!!! I do my best to just stay calm and let her do her toddler thing. Overall though, shes still a very happy child! She is very attached to both Adam and I right now. She doesnt want either of us to leave her. She gets upset when he has to go to work, and asks about him through out the day. She likes video chatting with him while he is gone, and is excited to see him in the evening.

She is a busy girl who plays by herself, but loves watching others around her playing too. She is very friendly to her "friends" and really enjoys being around bigger girls. She copies what they do, and they love playing with her. She loves to read stories. Right now she is really into books that have flip up doors in them. She loves looking at books with a lot of detailed pictures. She points out the words she knows, and says "uh oooh" when something is wrong in a book. Its cute. She loves playing with her babies, her cars, and blocks! She loves stacking!

She has her way of communicating thats for sure! She probably says a couple dozen words now. She sometimes puts two words together, like "Mama, NO!" or "Hi Baby!" She loves saying "up" and "down", "hot"(and blowing on it), "hat", "no!", "ok!", "ball", "bahboon" (balloon). She makes most animal noises, although some are not the "traditional" sounds. She just started doing the elephant sound and makes a nose with her hand. Cute.

She loves eating, singing songs, reading books, and kicking the ball around outside. She is amazing in everyway and I love watching her grow!!

She loves playdough!

First pedicure!

In the backyard watching geese!


  1. Wish I could see her! Thanks for sharing! Love the picture of Adam and Olive and the geese.

  2. cute update..keep thinking she will love reading this someday!
