Saturday, September 28, 2013

A day in the Gardens

Fall has begun! I am really looking forward to seeing the beautiful season changes here in Pennsylvania! Last weekend we took a little day trip to Winterthur Gardens. Its only about a half hour drive, and its a really nice place! They have a childrens "Enchanted Woods", where they can run and play in nature! Olive just loved it! She was all over the place, learning and growing. She had a little runny nose, which you might see in the pictures, but it didn't slow her down one bit.

She loved seeing the huge Koi fish! They came right up to us and let us touch them!

There was a giant bird "nest" with these wooden eggs. She tried to sit on them.

She loved the little houses! 

Daddy plays "patty cake"!

Everything was so exciting!

She's really into walking backwards to sit in chairs now, so these chairs were a HIT!

The mushrooms shot out a wet mist!

Walking over the troll bridge with daddy!

What a GREAT day! We got a membership there, and they have year round events, so I will be posting more about this beautiful place!!

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