Saturday, September 28, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Kid

Today we headed out to a local pumpkin patch! I know, its not quite October yet, but it was a beautiful day! Olive didn't quite know what to think. She kept calling the pumpkins "apples", which, if you think of it, is pretty smart! 

Bad mama put her in a DRESS! I didnt realise that pumpkin plants are pokey and can hurt! OH well, she didnt mind too much. Note to self, pants next time.

She thought it was fun to sit ON the pumpkins!

After she fell off the pumpkin, we got this good shot.

She kept trying to pick it up!

She kept making the "RUUUUM" noise of the tractor, and was completely enthralled.

It was very important to her to push this all on her own. Shes really strong. 

She loaded up her baby pumpkin...

The ground was full of hole and spikey things, so she prefered holding on to dad.

What a great day! I cant wait to cut these orange apples open and make a huge mess! 

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