Thursday, January 17, 2013

Seven Month Itch

Nothing is really itching, but I liked that title. Olive is now seven months!!! This month she has really developed socially and physically. Socially she is recognizing people (and dogs), shes waving, shes giving high-fives, and of course giggling and laughing. We went on an airplane last week and we would go stand up by the bathrooms in the back and she would wave at every one!! She loved getting all the attention (I wonder where she gets this from...)! The flight attendants held her and loved her and took pictures with her and she really hammed it up! She really had a blast on our trip to the east coast! We ate at restaurants, slept in a hotel room, and did something fun everyday!

Physically, she is ALMOST crawling. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. Now she thrusts one food forward and falls on her face, but shes working on it. She spends a lot of time rolling around on the ground, "lounging" on her side, and falling on her face.

Shes enjoying solid foods! She eats pears, sweet potatoes, peas, broccoli, mango, carrots (hates them), avocado, banana, and chicken (hated).

Her top tooth is coming in. She is still esleeping around 10-12 hours at night, and napping is still hard during the day. She only wants to nap while in her car seat..... She is SUCH a silly girl! She LOVES laughing and screaming! She is such a pleasure!

Her last check up she weighed 16.11 pounds (50th percentile), Height 26 inches (75th percentile)


  1. I get the carrot thing. She gets that from her auntie Sarah :) Hugs!

  2. Oh my goodness Mimi!! She is an absolute doll!! thank you for the update and the pics!
    Aunt Vanessa
