Saturday, January 19, 2013

How being a mom has changed me

I was thinking today how much my life has changed since the stork dropped off this bundle of chubs. It's incredible to look back and see how different things were seven months ago, and how this motherhood thing has changed my life forever. I thought I would share some of my thoughts...

Before Olive the following things happened frequently and never happen now:
1. I slept in past 8.
2. I stayed up on purpose past 10.
3. I took LONG peaceful showers.
4. I took LONG peaceful baths.
5. I only got in the car and drove around if I was going somewhere.
6. I never made up songs about poop, never sang with my fingers, and shouted "YEAH" at the end of a song.
7. I watched TV during the day.
8. I knit frequently.
9. Adam and I went to movies.
10. Leaving the house meant just grabbing my purse and putting on shoes.
11. I never really cared where to sit in restaurants.
12. My house was quiet.
13. I rarely touched poop.
14. I wondered if and when I would ever be a mother, and wondered if I would be any good at it.

After Olive, things that happen frequently that never happened before:
1. I sit and stare at her for hours in amazement.
2. I sing way more.
3. I pay more attention to what I watch on TV, and what I eat.
4. I think about HOW I can watch her and still go to the bathroom, bathe, and eat.
5. I drive, and drive......
6. I spend an hour of every night in a dark room, rocking, and meditating (or texting..)
7. I walk more.
8. I am WAY more social. "play dates" are just a fancy word for hanging out in the middle of the day.
9. I am brought to tears with gratitude and wonder how I could have ever lived without her.
10. I wonder if I am doing anything right. I get mad at people who question what I do, but I constantly question what I do..
11. I can get dressed in less than 5 minutes, WHILE singing "Twinkle Twinkle"
12. I can pee on command.
13. I can type with only my left hand. I can pretty much do anything with one hand.

Just in case you cant tell from reading my blog or seeing all the facebook posts, I am absolutely in love with my daughter. I cant help but think I am the luckiest person alive for getting to take care of this amazing little girl. She is the joy in my life. I only hope that I can be a mother as kind and patient as my own mother. I only hope I can raise her to love herself as much as we do.

Being a mother is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I always knew I wanted to be a mother. I always knew I would love her. I never imagined it would be this much. 

1 comment:

  1. Tears AGAIN! It truly is wonderful being a mom and grandma is the best!
