Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Three Toothed Crawling Monkey

Watching Olive grow up feels kinda like walking next to someone who is on one of those walking escalators. Just as I start getting comfortable with the stage she's at, and what shes doing- OOOP she's moved on and on to something else. I feel like I am constantly playing catch up. There are slower times when I can sit back and observe and enjoy where she is, but there there are days (like today) when I am like... wait WHAT? On Monday this week we were so comfortable with the rolling, smiling giggling baby we had. Today, we look down as our what seems to be a toddler as she CRAWLS across the floor, chasing a toy car, who then picks it up with one hand, sits down, and waves at us with the other. WHO IS THIS? 

I went to a mom/baby playgroup today that is at the local hospital and lead by this fabulous nurse/doula/child educator lady. There were 4 babies total, all Olive's age. All these adorable babies were so fun to watch! All the babies stayed pretty close to their mama's and played contently with whatever little toy they had. All except Olive, who was on the other side of the room, pulling down purses, climbing in and out of chairs, taking people's cell phones, stealing others toys, and finally ending up playing a fun little game of "peek-a-boo" by reflection in the wall window. The leader of the group at one point commented at how active and "exploratory" Olive is. She then said.. "you DO realize you have a little MONKEY on your hands, dont you!?" 

I'm in for it. I'm loving it.

This is Olive!!! She's curious, bold, silly, social, persistant, and active! She's just on the go go go, and loves every second of it! I just absolutely LOVE seeing her little personality come out. I am the proudest of parents!

She's also loving food food, and I'm trying as hard as I can to make sure she gets all types of healthy foods! She Popped out tooth 3 now, and I think 4 is not far behind! 

This morning she rolled over (this wasnt the first time), and said "Da"- and touched Adam's face. 

These are amazing times. When I can stop, catch my breath, and enjoy these times, I do because I know I'm just another day away from rediscovering my child. 

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