Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hair Identity Crisis

I noticed today the color of my daughters har has made some dramatic changes over the past 7 months... check this out, if you havent noticed...

Here she is, one day old. My dad is holding her. She has DARK brown hair. Like chocolate brown.

OK, fast forward to 3 months old. Here, shes got RED hair! I didn't realize how red it was at the time.

Here she is, the other day, with her best friend, Dalia! Look how BLOND her hair is?!

So, whats it going to be hair? WOW. Shes changing her hair color more than I did in High school. hahah


  1. Olive is on the right, just in case you cant tell! :)

  2. I remember the nurse at the hospital...the one who washed Olive's hair for the first time, said Olive would be blonde. We all thought she was nuts, but I guess she was right!

  3. I was blonde as a baby and toddler, and you know how dark my hair is now. So it may change back again, we will stay tuned to find out!

  4. Wow! It really does keep changing! I hadn't noticed, because we see you all the time! "Best friend Dalia!" I love it! My prediction is light brown with red and blonde highlights. ..beautiful!
