Thursday, August 8, 2013

First Day With a Potty

Seriously.... If you dont want to hear me talk about pee and poop, move along. As you can clearly tell from the title of this entry, it might not be something you want to read if pee and poop stuff grosses you out. Consider yourself warned.

For weeks Olive has been VERY interested in the toliet. She squats in front of me so she can watch me pee. She started making the pee sound (ppsssssss) when I go. She waves bye bye to it, and we flush. I have been talking with her about it, very casually, but her interest has gotten even stronger. I figured, lets get her a potty since shes so interested. So we went to Target today and picked one out. Nothing fancy, but she was very excited. I kept telling her its for her pee and poop.

We put it in her bathroom right across from my toliet. When I went to go pee, she came along to watch. This time I decided to put her on her potty at the same time. She saw me pee and made her pssss sound. Then, I said "Olive need to pee pee?"- and no joke, she peed. She was SO excited, but not as excited or surprised as I was. I got all excited, but knew it was probably just a random fluke.

We tried a couple more times and nothing. No big deal, of course. When she was in her bath playing, she stands up and points to her potty. "Uuuhhhh Uhhhhhhh!" She says. She continued this until I took her out and sat her on the potty. NO JOKE, she pooped. Seriously? She pushed it right on out.

I am now wondering what to do with her? I want to encourage this, but I dont want to mess her all up by pushing it. I know shes SO young for this, and I am NOT a spazzy pushy mom that wants to spend hours forcing her to potty. So....... what do I do? I ordered a couple books. I might get a potty for up and down stairs. I might ask her every now and then if she wants to go, but thats it.

I am not writing this to brag or ramble on about how amazing she is.... I just want to document the amazing event, and get some ideas and thoughts from you guys on this.

Still. I am such a proud mom of my growing girl!!!

Sorry, no poop or pee picts... Im sure your all very disappointed.


  1. I'd say follow her lead. If you see tht she's getting ready to poop, ask her if she wants to go poop in her potty. Do what you did this time; invite her to go when you go. She's pretty smart - she may continue to tell you when she wants to go on the potty! And, when she doesn't, it's no big deal. Smart girl!

  2. I agree. I think she will let you know. Mia was 18 months (I know that's older than Olive is now) when she just told me she did NOT want to wear diapers anymore. I was super skeptical, especially when she said she wasn't going to wear one to bed that very night! But I just thought, "What's the harm?" And guess what?! She never never had an accident after that!! Now that's different than the stories I have about the boys!! haha!
