Saturday, July 27, 2013

We Made It


The past few weeks have felt like we have been in complete survival mode. There were times (a lot of times) where I literally felt like I was standing outside in the middle of a hurricane, clutching my baby girl, with my head down, just trying to wait it out. That storm was hard and fierce, but it has let up now, and the sun is slowly coming out. I am of course referring to moving.

Moving with a one year old is rough... rough.. and rough.

Her whole little world changed, and in one day, it was all gone. Everything. Her bed, her toys, her rocking chair, her pugs, and her daddy. (He drove across with the dogs) Now, Olive is a very strong little girl, but this huge change really shook her up. In this whirwind of a storm, she clung to the only thing that remained there... me. She wouldnt let me out of her sight. I couldnt go to the bathroom. I couldnt sleep. (not well anyway) I coulnt eat without this little tot in my arms. For days she just wouldnt play. She couldnt walk away from me. My mom flew across the country and can tell you first hand how difficult it was. Poor grandma... Olive didnt want ANYTHING to do with her. At one point, she turned her back to her completely. Oh, poor mom.

She cried a lot. I cried a lot. But then, we made it here. We had no bed, we had no dishes, we had no toys. rough. At one point I had to eat a salad covered in ranch dressing, with my bare hands. I have no clue what Olive ended up eating.... we were in survival mode.

Despite all this crazy chaos, there were some really fun things about moving. boxes, bubble wrap, seeing new things, playing with gmas IPAD. Then, daddy arrived, and life got a lot happier! She really missed him. She started playing more, and sleeping a little more too.

Although she still doesnt have her clothes and toys back (thanks to UHAUL), she is starting to settle into a new "routine", and shes expanding her knowledge of the world every second of the day. She has all these amazing new skills. I dont want to bore everyone, so if you dont care about her new skills, please just skip the next boring paragraph.

If you are reading this paragraph, thank you for caring about her new  skills. hahaha
She is now obsessed with wearing my clothes and shoes, and feeding everything. Today we went to lunch and she brought her monkey doll inside, and at one point she was trying to feed it some chicken while saying "yummy yummy".... seriously precious. She also feeds her baby doll her bottle. She is also obsessed with tummies. My tummy, daddy's tummy, and her own tummy. She is also super interested in poop and pee. I thought this was a little early, but, shes interested. She wants to watch me go, and waves bye bye to it while she flushes. In the bath tub I will say "do you need to go pee pee?", then she squeezes, and pee comes out! She gets so excited about it. I think its time for a potty. (really!?) Shes a full walker now, and has dropped crawling completely. She doesnt even want to crawl up the stairs anymore and demands we help her walk up and down them. She practices walking steps and on slopes. Shes very strong and fast. Climbing is fun too..... for her.
Petting goats at the zoo

Helping daddy put together her new table.

Reading a book in her new chair.

Wearing mommy's bra, and daddy's sock. Holding the paint chip up to the wall.

New pigtails!

At the grocery store.

Making faces in the mirror.

Being really warm and loving to grandma. 

In hotel.

Up up and away on our new adventure! Ready or not!


  1. oh my gosh, MIMI!! This is so darling! So precious! I LOVED reading about her new skills (and yes, I care, hehe), and that picture of her wearing your bra and daddy's sock is absolutely priceless!! I soooo appreciate the updates. I only wish I could meet her already!!!

  2. Ditto what Vanessa said! She is adorable and I love reading about her new skills and discoveries.

  3. OMG save me from moving with littles! It is so hard watching them be at sea with everything and not being able to explain anything to them. She is darling! I loved all her new skills, she's so darn cute. It's never too early to let them get familiar with a potty. There is no end to methods of potty training and ages that they start. I finally have a kid that goes in the potty, it's nothing short of a miracle. I was there the whole time and I still don't really know how it happened... I hope you guys are settling in this week!
