Monday, July 8, 2013

Goodnight Room

I remember sitting in this room when I was pregnant. 
I rocked in this chair
 rubbing my belly
looking at the closet filled with pretty dresses. 

I remember holding my newborn girl. 
She was so tiny and quiet.
 In this chair.
 In this room, with her name on the wall. 

I remember looking out the window.
 Seeing the tops of houses and the golden gate.
 In this room that smelled like lavender and powder. 
In this room I rocked my girl.

This room she shared with her grandmother. 
This room I held her through the nights when she was sick. 
This room we read stories and got cozy in blankets.
This room we laughed and hid inside bookshelves.

Close your eyes, my sweet child. 
One last rock in this chair.
 In this room with your name on the wall.


  1. So thankful she got to be there in my old room if only for a little while. She might not remember, but I will :)
