Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Day in the Life.....

Tonight, As I get into bed before 8:00, I can barely keep my eyes open. I look back on my day and think how can I do all of that? Really, how can I? I thought it would be fun to "document" the day in the life of a mama (me), for one day.

6:00AM- wake up hearing Olive playing in crib
Get up, pee, put on bra, make bottle.

Olive first thing in the morning

6:30 Change Massive diaper.... poopy
6:45- Bring O to bed to feed bottle
7:15- Take a quick shower while O has daddy time
8:00- More bottle
8:15- Make breakfast, cry about not having any coffee.... prepare O's breakfast
8:30- Eat while feeding O.
9:00 Sit on floor and have O climb on me. Try to check email, fail.

9:30- More bottle (Shes eating small amouts and fussing about it today)
9:45 Step in dog poop, have to clean carpet with Olive screaming in the crib. Then, shes blown out her diaper and I run out of wipes mid-change......Take her to sick to rinse her off....
10:00- O falls asleep but wakes up 5 minutes after I leave the room. I let her play for 30 min in here crib.
10- 10:30- Clean kitchen
10:30- 11- Play and Read to o
11- 12 Olive actually naps (this was a huge nap...)
12:00 Pack her up, get in the car and drive to Solano Ave.
12:00- 1:00- with O in the carrier- pick up lunch for me, get COFFEE, Get wipes, Get Diet Pepsi, Drop off mail, pick up some stuff at pharmacy. Sit down to try to eat (because Im starving), but cant because they didnt have high chairs and O tried to choke on a garbonzo bean I had.
1:00 Come home, Eat while feeding O
1:30- 2:30 Sit on floor while Olive plays. Mostly climbing on me.
2:30 Bottle-
2:30- Play Play Play-  fuss
3:00- Diaper change
3:00- 4:00 Walk to library. Read O a few books, let her crawl around playing. Walk home- uphill.

4:00- Bottle and Nap
4:45- Read stories. Try to walk around and do things, but shes clingy...
5:00- bring her in kitchen, sing and dance while i try to make dinner
5:30-6 O takes bath with Dad and gets into Pjs
6:00 Feed O solids, let her play
6:30- Bottle, and Bedtime
7:00 put O in crib, Eat dinner, do dishes
8:00 Get in bed. Sore, tired, and wondering how I do this everyday.

Oh, PS- This was our "chill" day.

Im not doing this to complain.

At all. In fact,  tonight as I laid O in her crib I whispered in her ear "Everyday with you is a blessing", which is the honest truth. I do it all, and I love it. Its not easy work at ALL. In fact, sometimes I feel like I'm going nutso, but its amazing work. It's the best job I can think of. Tomorrow I will hear that little voice playing and do it all again, gladly.

I would love to hear all the crazy days YOU all have. I know you all have crazy busy ones too!

1 comment:

  1. I love to read your posts! There is no end to the love of a mother!
