Sunday, February 17, 2013

8 months!

I remember before I was a mama, I would visualize myself with a chubby, laughing, smiling, silly baby.  Olive turned into this baby around 6 months, but here we are at 8 months now, and it's only getting better and better. First, she really is packing on the chubs. She weighs 19 pounds now fully clothed! She is fitting in 9-12 month clothes too. She also is eating like a little piggy. She LOVES finger foods, and will eat almost anything I put in front of her. She loves peas, tater tots, lentils, chicken, and eggs. She also loves drinking water from her sippy cup. She loves going to restaurants and eating my food too. It's so much fun watching her grow and experience new things.

She's now crawling, standing (while holding on to things), and pulling up on everything. She is constantly on the move and loves getting into things. I'm exhausted just trying to keep her busy! We go to story times, playgroups, and do a lot of walking and shopping.

Favorite word: "HI- DA", which can also be "Uh- Da", or "Eye- Da"
Favorite food: tater tots and mango
Favorite book: Doggies
Favorite toy: gorilla puppet or any metal kitchen tool
Favorite past times- finding daddy's shoes, chasing down the pugs, crawling around looking for trouble.
Sleeping- 10-12 hours a night- 1-2 hours in naps (mostly under 1 hour)
Hates: When mommy walks away, vacuuming, diaper changes.... NAPPING

She really is such a joy! I look forward to watching her grow even more. Here's to all the future milestones to come! Bets on when she will walk? I'm in no hurry!!


  1. I love the pictures! I'm going to guess Olive will walk at 10 months! That's about when you walked..give or take a couple of weeks!

  2. My guess is 9 months! She seems so excited to get moving!! She wants to be like mommy!!
