Sunday, December 16, 2012

Half Birthday

Today I sang Olive "Happy Half-Birthday to you!" I just can not believe that six months ago today I held a tiny 5 pound 12 ounce, cross-eyed, curled toed, newborn Olive. Today she is sitting, rolling, scooting, eating solids, sleeping all night, smiling, laughing, and playing.

Somewhere along the way she completely stole my heart- completely.

So much has changed these past six months. Besides her obvious changes. The first month of her life seems now like a blink of an eye. I remember eating crackers and chicken salad all day. The pump..... The frustration of the pump. The smell of laundry detergent, maple syrup (from the pills to "help with milk production" (lies). Olive smelled like pot pie. I remember looking at the clock and thinking "I can get ONE whole hour of sleep", and being excited about it. It was such a happy time, besides the failure of nursing. People would come visit, bring us food and presents, and Adam and I were together 24-7. We were calm, we were happy, and couldnt believe how "easy" she was.

Olive at month ONE
It got kinda hard there around month 3, thanks to 2 little teethers. I got anxious, and struggled with either some post-pardom depression, or side effects of getting back on the pill. I found myself being overwhelmed, stressed, and guilty for wanting and break. It was really hard. I was scared to go in public, but scared to stay home and be sad all day. It was hard, but it was temporary. The teeth broke through, I changed medication, and the clouds went away.

The past month has been what I used to fantasize being a mom would be like. We giggle, we play, we go to storytime, we have "play-dates". She's sleeping all night, smiling all most of the day, and shes so cute and chubby! I am loving being a mom. Worry has changed from "is she breathing?", to "can she choke on that?" But, I know I will always have something to worry about.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy days

Here we are, about to hit the half year mark. Things are just speeding a long here, and Olive is thriving. Today we went shopping, went to lunch, and walked around town. Everywhere I go people stop me and tell me how beautiful she is. I know she is.. Theres something wonderful about strapping my little beauty on my chest, coffee in one hand, bottle in the other, sunshine on our faces, and watching Olive learn about the world. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world. What did I do to deserve this?

We walked past a Pottery Barn, and she shouts OOOOH!!! We stop and look at the amazing Christmas tree in the window. I'm just watching her, wondering what shes thinking. Amazed at how much she notices. We stopped off at Barnes and Noble and I buy The Little Engine That Could. Later, as I read it to her, I cried. I just get so overwhelmed by how much I love her sometimes. I just truly treasure this time. I don't want to take a single second for granted.

After the story, she stands up on my lap, looks at me, then spits up ALL over me. Apparently, my reaction was hilarious because she laughed harder than ever. Her two little teeth peeking out of her mouth as she goes into hysterical belly laughs. I started laughing too. We laughed and laughed and laughed. How amazing is this life I have?

I always knew I would love being a mom, but I had no idea. This is my life now, and its better than even I imagined. Its not always easy, in fact sometimes its also the hardest things I have ever done. But, loving her is easy. very easy.

Whats she into these days? Her TOES. Its so cute. Shes sitting up really well, and REALLY getting close to crawling. Go- getter here....

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cute pictures

Oh my Oh my, my girl is so much fun. She really is exploding these days with smiles and personality. I just am so thankful for her, and thankful that I am able to be home with her during this amazing time.

She's rolling so well these days, and has now decided she likes rolling so much, she wants to sleep on her side and her stomach. This is weird to me because since the day she was born she has been on her back, and there is all this "she NEEDS to be on her back or she will die" pressure shoved down our throats that its weird that now its "ok" for her to choose how to sleep. SO, off came the swaddle, and she LOVES her side! I'll get used to it.

She is sitting now pretty well on her own, but topples over if we aren't right there to catch her. She's just so big now.

I'm looking forward to sharing the holiday card pictures we took, but those are being saved for later. Today we took these adorable pictures of Olive wearing an adorable outfit that her "CaroleeJay" gave her. Enjoy. Do I have the cutest baby or what?