Friday, June 6, 2014

She's Amazing!

I am SO lucky.

Potty training has been this scary thing in the back of my head. I have heard the horror stories, and they all freaked me out. I have no clue how or why this was so "easy" for her, but it was. She is trained. Of course, she still wears a diaper for naps and night time. She will for a while because shes still in her crib (NO RUSH THERE...) She tells me when she needs to go, and she goes. She tells the teacher at the Y childwatch, and goes. She poops and pees on it. Its amazing to me.

Nothing is perfect, we have had a few accidents over the past couple weeks, but nothing major. She goes in toilets in public too! Now, I don't think any of this has to do with me. I think she was just ready, and just wanted to do it. I know I'm lucky and everyone out there who struggled with potty training, Im sorry, please dont hate. I am just so proud of my little independent girl, who is also so proud of herself.

Were also handing out invitations to her 2nd birthday (gulp).... Im excited (because I love parties), but also kinda sad. Two years is kinda the time where they arent babies at all anymore.. She is a little amazing girl. I just love her to pieces. Stay tuned for awesome birthday pictures!