Saturday, September 28, 2013

A day in the Gardens

Fall has begun! I am really looking forward to seeing the beautiful season changes here in Pennsylvania! Last weekend we took a little day trip to Winterthur Gardens. Its only about a half hour drive, and its a really nice place! They have a childrens "Enchanted Woods", where they can run and play in nature! Olive just loved it! She was all over the place, learning and growing. She had a little runny nose, which you might see in the pictures, but it didn't slow her down one bit.

She loved seeing the huge Koi fish! They came right up to us and let us touch them!

There was a giant bird "nest" with these wooden eggs. She tried to sit on them.

She loved the little houses! 

Daddy plays "patty cake"!

Everything was so exciting!

She's really into walking backwards to sit in chairs now, so these chairs were a HIT!

The mushrooms shot out a wet mist!

Walking over the troll bridge with daddy!

What a GREAT day! We got a membership there, and they have year round events, so I will be posting more about this beautiful place!!

Pumpkin Patch Kid

Today we headed out to a local pumpkin patch! I know, its not quite October yet, but it was a beautiful day! Olive didn't quite know what to think. She kept calling the pumpkins "apples", which, if you think of it, is pretty smart! 

Bad mama put her in a DRESS! I didnt realise that pumpkin plants are pokey and can hurt! OH well, she didnt mind too much. Note to self, pants next time.

She thought it was fun to sit ON the pumpkins!

After she fell off the pumpkin, we got this good shot.

She kept trying to pick it up!

She kept making the "RUUUUM" noise of the tractor, and was completely enthralled.

It was very important to her to push this all on her own. Shes really strong. 

She loaded up her baby pumpkin...

The ground was full of hole and spikey things, so she prefered holding on to dad.

What a great day! I cant wait to cut these orange apples open and make a huge mess! 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fourteen Months

Well, were a week shy of fifteen month now. Time is moving fast than ever....

Fourteen month Olive goes to Storytime in her "Kitty dress"!

Olive is just growing into such a little girl! Everyday I see more and more of her hilarious personality! She makes me laugh, I mean, BELLY laugh, daily. She really loves to laugh, and tries to turn any situation, into one full of laughter. I wonder where she gets this from..? She is doing this funny thing where everytime she takes a bit of food she makes this loud "GGGRRRROAR" and then makes chopping noises. I just love this.

Shes RUNNING. I have to move fast to prevent her from falling of something dangerous, which can be super exhausting.

She eats CONSTANTLY, and loves food. She eats pretty much anything I give her. Her favorite foods are: mushrooms, Amy's veggie Enchiladas, ham, and berries. She also loves the occasional potato chip! She still loves her almond milk in the bottle too.

She loves people! We took her to a party today, and she was just smiling and interacting with about anyone would would agree to. Ive started taking her to the childcare at the YMCA while I work out, and they LOVE her in there. She seems busy and happy to play with different toys.

She really enjoys watching Daniel Tiger on Netflix. She loves the songs and waves to him. Its cute.

She loves going on walks with us around the block. She watches for dogs, bunnies, trucks, motorcycles, and other kids. She lets me know if she sees any of these.

She has started saying "no" and shaking her head. She also equally says "yep". She mostly says "no" to the dogs when they hound her for food.... She thinks its hilarious to shake her head when I ask for a kiss. Then, proceeds to kiss EVERYTHING else she can... just not me. Picture of me? yes... just not me. Hilarious.

She loves reading books. Her favorite is probably Goodnight Moon. She loves pointing out where the mouse is. She also likes Dr. Seuss, and any book full of pictures.

Olive sits in her chair and reads.

OOOOh baby, is she obsessed with babies. She is starting to have a little collection of them too. She hugs them, kisses them, rocks them, feeds them, and makes them dance. She lays them on blankets and gives them bottles. I tell her she is such a good mommy.

Shes quite the helper these days too. She follows directions pretty well, so if i tell her something like... "bring me your plate so I can give you more food", she does it. She helps me take care of the dogs too. She finds their dog food bowls so I can feed them. She carries out the clean poop bags when I take them out, and then hands them to me when one of them poops. She also alerts me when lucy has fallen somewhere and needs help. I hope this trait stays for a while.

She also loves her daddy. This girl is a daddys girl. She LOVES him. Seriously. She loves to play with him, but also snuggles and kisses him too. Shes a lucky girl to have such a loving daddy. He is the best.

Olive and Daddy being cozy after a long day of making this room messy.

Shes still interested in the potty, and will occasionally do something on it. She is aware and tells me when shes pooping or when she has peed in her diaper. No rush here, its a huge process and were at the very begining.

She is such a fashionista!

Playing with play-doah