Monday, March 18, 2013

9 Months Already?

Whew! She's growing so fast these days, I can barely catch my breath! The other day we were out shopping with Auntie Erin, and I went to show her Olive's top two teeth, and saw TWO MORE TEETH! (Well, one that was in completely, and one half way in) When did this happen? Why didn't I see this? My immediate surprise was quickly followed by "ahhh, thats why she woke up screaming twice this week", then, followed by guilt for not being more observant. (It's always guilt in mama land)
This lovely story just supports my earlier comment about how fast she's growing. One day she can't do something, then, the next she's doing it, and then masters it. She's driven. She's more driven than I ever imagined. Somedays she's so excited for me to put her on the ground to play. It's almost like she knows she has things to work on, and needs to get to it.

This month She hasn't changed too much physically (besides a little more weight, a few more teeth, and  a little more hair), but socially and skill wise, she has exploded. Here is a brief list of things she is doing now.

She waves. She claps. She says "dada" TO dada. She understands some words: "doggie", "more", "water", "bath", "dada", and "no". She stands. She walks holding on to stuff. She stands without help for as long as 5 seconds. She looks for dropped objects. She will bend down and pick up objects while standing. She kisses. She gets really mad when you take something away. She pushes stuff away when she doesn't want it. She reaches for stuff and goes "uh uh uh" when she wants it. She tries using simple signs "more" and "all done".

She weighs over 19 pounds, and is 27 inches tall.

She LOVES to play with (near) other kids. The other day at Studio Grow (a super fun place) she climbed into a tunnel and out the other side. Amazing!

She hates the vacuum, the blender, and falling down on her face.

She loves chicken, black beans, and peaches.

She's so fun, and so exhausting at the same time!

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute...she just makes this grandma burst with love!
