Saturday, July 28, 2012

little bits

Today was a very special day! This morning I was in the bathroom and I hear a VERY excited Adam in the bedroom. I run out and hes thrilled. "She SMILED... TWICE!" Of course, I run over and the smile time is over. No smiles for me. Although I was super excited Adam had this awesome moment; I wanted mine too! All day I kept trying to get that smile, and nothing. Then, I go to pick her out of her crib from her nap. She was in a deep stare into space (like her mama...) I said- "Hello Olive!" Then, she turned and gave me the biggest, open mouthed smile. MELT MELT (angels singing)

What a moment.

Of course, I don't have a smile picture yet, but I did get some pictures of some of the little bits that I just LOVE when I see them. I never want to forget these parts and rolls. I thought you guys might enjoy....

Wrist rolls. She just got these, and they are the cutest things. I wish they were cute on me. hahaha

Ear hair. I couldn't get a real good picture of it, but the ears themselves are amazing. If only ear hair was as cute on grown ups. haha

 Chubby toe rolls. Oh my gosh. The rolls on the feet there make it look like her toes are made of Play Doh. Also, those ankle rolls.... ahhhhh.... Love love love.

There are many other parts, but she peed on her blanket in the middle of this shoot. Why I didn't have a diaper on her is a mystery to me...


  1. I am so happy you are celebrating those chubby parts! Love them, but make sure to clean between them, too :) haha! Wonderful story about her smile. Now she will be more aware of you and Adam. This is a fun time when you can interact with her more.... LOVE IT!

    1. As I remember, you had such cute chubby parts.....they got lots of kisses:)

  2. cutie patootie! I love those bits too!
