Friday, July 27, 2012

A blog is born

Saturday, June 16th, 2012, was the day my life changed forever. It was when I looked down and saw this shiny, wiggly, wide eyed baby girl for the first time. Not only was it the birth of my baby girl, but it was my birth as a mother. I had thought about, dreamed about, and fantasized about that moment for a very long time, and no words can describe it. So many different emotions and feelings came to me all at once. Since I cant convey my emotions to you, here are my thoughts the moment she was born... It would have sounded something like this.....

"oh my gosh, she's alive! She's crying yeah! Oh my gosh she's so little! I did it!! Oh here she is on my chest, she's beautiful! Wow, she had a lot of hair! She looks like Adam! Oh, where is Adam? Oh hi adam, isn't she amazing!? Did WE make this? What are the doctors doing now? Is that a needle? Oh gees, Im glad I cant feel that....  Im so tired. I cant believe she's here. Oh man, thats going to hurt later.... What do we do now? Look at those hands!! (on and on about various body parts....) Ah, shes looking at me. Oh my gosh, I love her.

haha that made me laugh.. and pee a little.

It has been six weeks since this day now. I feel like I am coming out of "new mama fog", and starting to feel like Mimi again. I figured I would now give birth to this blog so that close friends and family can read about our daily adventures. Read it if you would like to, but I understand this might be very boring stuff to some, so move on if your not interested in the cutest baby in the world ok?

I don't want to go back and record all the things that have happened up to this point. I dont have time (precious time...), and I dont have brain power. (or a memory) So I am just going to start today with today.

Introducing Olive! (aka "cutest baby in the world")

She is seriously such a good baby. Adam and I frequently talk about how "easy" she is. I don't know how we got so lucky here.... Maybe she's not easy, and we just think so because were obsessed? Either way, we have loved every SECOND with her. Every time we hold her, look at her, talk to her, its an overwhelming feeling of love. I had no idea how it would feel to be a mom, and I wish I knew how to put into words how it does feel. It's amazing.

The other day I was holding Olive and just started crying (post pardom hormones are... special..). I am just so thankful for her. Our miracle. I realized I would honestly do anything in the world for her. It hit me. Is this how my mom feels about me? Yes, I think it is. I love you too mom. I get it now.

So, here we are, six weeks in. She has grown from 5 pounds 12 ounces to 8 pounds 14 ounces. She is still wearing newborn size, but not for long. She is eating 4-6 ounces every 3-4 hours now. She sleeps a lot still, but is having more and more alert time. Her eyes no longer cross, her newborn squeaks are fewer, and she still has hair on her ear lobes. She poops a lot. A LOT. She is generally happy, and only really cries when she is hungry.

Milestones are still so small, but yesterday she watched her mobile go around and around for the first time, and also spent lots of time looking at her hands. I think she was saying "wait? do I have control over these things that keep hitting me in the face?"

Today she went in the swing happily for the first time, and slept in it for like 30 minutes. I will take any time I can get! We might go for a walk later if the sun comes out, and hopefully we will sleep well tonight.  Off to feed the beast!

The rule here is this: I will blog, but you must post. Comments are the fuel that keep this blog running. Do it.


  1. Love it. I love hearing about everyone's different parenting experiences, they are all so beautiful. Can't wait to hear more.

  2. You really do have to be Mom to really get it Mimi, glad your in the club. It's an adventure to treasure.

  3. Love the inner dialogue, you literally had me laughing out loud! Keep it up mama, she's a treasure! - Stephie

  4. Loved it! Love you :)
    Keep writing!

  5. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
    I can't speak. CONGRATULATIONS, you beautiful ladies.

  6. Made be cry, made me remember, made me realize how the Lord blesses us. So glad you have a blog. I'm loving the pictures and as always, love your inner thoughts. I love you! Mom

  7. Thanks for sharing, Mimi! I'm very happy for you three!
