Friday, April 18, 2014

Spring has Sprung!

This girl is 22 months now! I just spent the last hour watching old movies of her "younger" days, and its just the most amazing thing watching her grow up. I feel like with every step along the way, I have discovered more of who she is, and feel closer and closer to her. Even though SO many things about her have changed over the past couple years, so much is still the same. She was just sort of born with her little personality, and she is still that same Olive. She always has been very observant, alert, and ready to learn. She's always been very independent, social, and happy. She loves to play, loves to sleep, and loves to eat! In general, shes a very "easy going" kid, but when she is tired or hungry, watch out! haha

Spring is here, and its so glorious. we are finally able to get out of the house, and go to the park and play! She is talking more and more everyday. I would say she says 8-10 new words everyday! It's crazy! Here are some examples of things I hear, pretty regularly: "mama? Dadda at work now?", "mama go potty now", "birds fly away!", "Daniel tiger says shadows are fun!" (Shadows are a hot topic right now) "shadows scary!", "Shadow puppets fun!", "I do it!", "go boomers play!", "im sorry dadda!", "more water please!, ICE ICE!", "I dont like it" plus so many more I cant even think.. Oh, dont forget "mine"... everything is hers

With this new expanded verbal ability comes so much more insight into what she is thinking and feeling. She can tell me shes tired or hungry or scared now. I love this. She's really just such a pleasure.

We got some pet fish, and shes so cute in taking responsibility to feed them. Its cute though when she wants to feed the fish she says "lets eat them!", but she means, "lets feed them"... at least, I think so....

She LOVES coloring. She prefers the color purple but also likes red. She wants to dress herself, but cant really do it yet. She goes pee pee on the potty and is so proud! She loves to eat pretty much anything, but has a new love... candy. (Thank you Easter bunny.... haha) Oh, and she LOVES the Easter bunny.

She is now 26 pounds, and wearing 2T and size 6 shoes. She is super social, and loves playing with her friends. She has a new favorite show, Sophia the First, which is a Dinsey show about a little girl learning to be a princess. She LOVES it. She can be very "girly" sometimes. She loves her hair bows, necklaces, shoes, and dresses! But, she doesnt mind getting wild and crazy with daddy either! She is such a daddys girl, and wants him to rock her to sleep most nights.

Her 2nd birthday is around the corner, which blows my mind. I love watching her grow. What an adventure this parenting is!

Before I had Olive I used to imagine what being a mom would feel like. I used to say it will be like the love I have for my pugs. I love my pugs, don't get me wrong, but I never once thought that I would throw myself off a cliff to save them. I know now this intensely strong parental and primal love. It's stronger than anything I ever could imagine. I am so thankful that I have her in my life. I am a stronger and better person because of her.

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