Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Introducing Olive the Toddler!

It's official  Olive is a TODDLER! I think I have been in denial that this has happened, but today, I came to grips with the truth. We went to a place called "Habitot" today in downtown Berkeley. It was a rainy day, so the place was crawling with kids. One think that wasn't crawling? Olive. Today she woke up and decided that crawling is lame. She was walking everywhere! She was right along side the big kids, playing with toys, pushing shopping carts, splashing in water. It was then that I thought.. "ok. She's not a baby anymore".... 

Then, it was time to change her pee diaper and the bathroom was locked so I thought, "oh, theres plenty of floor room, Ill just lay her down and change her here" EHHHH wrong answer. Fast forward 30 seconds later, and a naked toddler is trying to run away from me while screaming. I sounded something like this.... "Olive! Ahh, lay down!.... Olive- ahhhh, no, no! Lay down for mama! I need to change your diaper- NO NO! ahhhh!!! SIGH SIGH" 
I am now a mother of a toddler....

We go home- she takes an hour nap and is on the go again. Im bored out of my mind and surrounded by moving boxes, so I take her out again. This time, to a place to go to a lot called Studio Grow. Usually afternoons are slow and great, but again, the rain brings in a bunch of kids... She loved it though. She went straight for the dance room and danced to some music. Then, off to the ball pit, climbing through tunnels, then pulling down magnets, then saying hi to a real baby, finding baby dolls, painting, play doah, dancing again, and blocks. What more could a toddler want? She wanted me to put this cape on her, and was so proud of it. I know she doesnt know what it means, but she found out very quickly that her cuteness increased....

Someone actually asked me if I curl her hair.... really?.... do people do that?
The rest of the time was spent reading stories, saying "this" and "that" about everything, and chasing down the dogs because they really needed their hair or teeth brushed.
By the end of the day we were both exhausted! 

Here we go on our new adventure into toddler-hood!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Dearest Olivine

Dear Olivine,

It was a year ago that you entered our lives. The day I met you was the best day of my life. The past year has gone by so quickly, and has been so full of amazing moments. Watching you grow, watching you learn, and change, has filled my days with joy and bliss. This year hasnt all been easy either. You are an amazing baby, but you are a baby, and babies can be hard. Being a new parent feels confusing, scary, and exhausting. I was so worried about every thing! Were you breathing at night? Were you eating enough? Too much? Was I somehow doing something that would mess you up... forever? Just when I would think I had something figured out, you would change, and I was back scrambling to find the new solution. You sure kept me on my toes sometimes!

The first couple months, you were easy. You slept all the time, and ate well. We took you everywhere, and I remember thinking: "What was everyone talking about? This is EASY". You only cried when you were hungy, and then would be happy once fed again. Easy Easy. I had my own issues that werent easy, like difficulty nursing and loads of feelings of guilt and inadiquacy. But you, were this little swaddled, sleeping, angel.

Then you hit a bump in the road the doctors called colic and/or acid reflux. I would hold you while you would just scream and scream and scream! Nothing I would do would help you. I felt helpless, scared, and so bad! Luckily, the doctor put you on medication and changed your formula to milk allergy formula, and TADA! You were back to happy baby. You would smile, and laugh and it was so amazing watching you "wake up" to the world. You would stare at everything. You were alert and happy!

Then, you figured out how to move around. You decided very early that you wanted to do and see everything! You were rolling by 4 months, and crawling by 7. You were grabbing everything and putting everything in your mouth! You teethed fast too, you were just on the go!

In the past year I have come to learn different parts of your blooming personality. You have always been so determinded and focused. You know what you want, and you work and work till you get it. You are easy to please, and adaptable to different situations. You love people! You love attention. You love to laugh. Your so sweet. You give kisses. Your also so beautiful! Your hair is growning into this amazing curly honey-gold color. Your eyes are crystal blue, like your father's. Everywhere we go people stop me and tell me how adorable you are, and you are.

I am so proud of you. Everything you do, everything you are, is just perfect. I know that your far too young to understand any of this that I am writing, but I imagine you as an adult reading this. I wonder what you will be like then. I wonder if your personality will remain this way. I wonder how you enjoyed your childhood. All of this I wonder, but one thing I do know is that I will still love you more than describable. I know that how ever you end up, I will still be proud of you, and would gladly give my life for your happiness. You are my love, and always will be my baby girl.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Year One

A Year

Month 1: Eats, Sleeps, Poops.
Month 2: Started smiling

Month 3- Sleeping through the night!

Month 4- Started Rolling!

Month 5- first solids

Month 6: Sitting up

Month 7: Crawling, pulling up, clapping, waving

Month 8: Standing

Month 9: Loves to play!

Month 10: Cruising

Month 11: Walking!
Month 12