Tuesday, May 28, 2013

First Steps

So far in Olive's 11 months and 12 days there have been a lot of firsts. Each one was even more amazing than the last. Rolling, crawling, sitting, laughing, and speaking all were amazing to see. Today I saw the first steps of this little lady. I am so proud of her and all the growing and learning she does everyday. She was standing by the coffee table (kinda grumpy) and reached out for me to come get her- I was about 1-2 feet away sitting on the couch. I looked at her, and said "well, come on then!" and reached out my hands. Faster than I could even process she took two steps and fell into my arms. Did that just happen?! I think it happened even faster than she knew too. Who knows if she will do it again anytime soon!

Here are some random pictures I took this week.

Olive petting a baby goat at "Little Farm"

Drinking from a straw at Benihanas

Olive in a dress and handknit cardigan and booties. Thank you Sandy K!

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