Tuesday, May 28, 2013

First Steps

So far in Olive's 11 months and 12 days there have been a lot of firsts. Each one was even more amazing than the last. Rolling, crawling, sitting, laughing, and speaking all were amazing to see. Today I saw the first steps of this little lady. I am so proud of her and all the growing and learning she does everyday. She was standing by the coffee table (kinda grumpy) and reached out for me to come get her- I was about 1-2 feet away sitting on the couch. I looked at her, and said "well, come on then!" and reached out my hands. Faster than I could even process she took two steps and fell into my arms. Did that just happen?! I think it happened even faster than she knew too. Who knows if she will do it again anytime soon!

Here are some random pictures I took this week.

Olive petting a baby goat at "Little Farm"

Drinking from a straw at Benihanas

Olive in a dress and handknit cardigan and booties. Thank you Sandy K!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Holy Heaven! She's Eleven!

Eleven Months Already?!

Whew! This year is happening so fast. She is growing into such a little toddler! Everyday I am amazed by whatever new thing she is doing. How does she learn this? When did she figure that out?

List of new "skills"
She waves to everyone and everything and says the clearest, cutest, "hi"! She barks when she sees or hears a dog. Every animal is a dog. She hugs her dolly. She says "mmmm" when she wants your food, or when you give her food. She puts stuff into stuff, then pulls that stuff back out... repeat.

She says "apple", "dog", "bath", and "I do!" She can pick out several toys that you name. She will hand me things if i ask her to (sometimes). She giggles, shrieks, and crawls away when i say "Im going to GET YOU!" She tries to feed me. She can point to a nose, eyes, hair, tounge, teeth, and ear. She lifts her shirt up to show you her belly button.

She climbs stairs. She stands well, bends over to pick stuff up, and re-stands. All without holding on to anything. Shes an expert cruiser. She opens cabinets. She climbs on everything she can. She loves pulling stuff out of containers. She loves dancing to music. She loves remotes, cell phones, and anything electronic. She hates diaper changes, getting in her car seat, and getting things taken away from her.

Now Im planning her first birthday. It's all unreal how fast this year has gone. I love her more than it is imaginable, and I am thankful everyday for her. She is my heart.