Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Baby

Happy spring and Easter to you all!

We love springtime here (Except my stinking allergies), and I love taking my little chubs out in the sunshine! (sunscreen of course) We have been on several park picnics, trips to the petting zoo, and just walking around town doing some shopping. She hasn't realised yet how totally awesome grass is, but she's warming up to it. For now, I enjoy that it is displeasing enough that it keeps her within arms distance. She has really grown socially the past couple weeks, and I just cant get enough of her happy, social, personality! Yesterday we were playing and she sees a 20 month old little boy, and just crawled right up to him, waved, and said "hi"!!! I kid you not. I know, I have become THAT mom that thinks her baby is a super genius, but.... she is, and I am that kind of mom. She pretty social though, saying hi to strangers and giggling at doggies.

While Im in the bragging mood.... she also said "all done" the other day ( I swear, and it was the correct context) I have been trying to teach her sign language for important things for when shes eating, like "all done" and "more", but when shes finished eating she raises her hands and says "all done"- so much for that sign language...Shes only done this a couple times, but its enough to think shes a super baby. ;)

What else is she doing these days?.... standing! She loves standing and letting go. She can do it for a good 15 seconds or so now, which is so cute to watch because she gets so excited. She also has discovered how to make this click click noise with her tongue (like the noise of horse hoofs clicking on the ground), and its sooo cute. Also, she has discovered the concepts of under, inside, and through. She looks under carpets and furniture, looking for hidden toys. She looks inside bags and boxes to discover hazzardous items... She looks through things like toliet paper rolls. Its so cute to watch. Also, she's discovered how to turn pages of books. This is so cute to watch. She just enjoys sitting on the ground and turning and turning the pages. Sometimes the book is upside down, other times she turns 5 pages at once, but she's really figured it out. Sadly, our favorite pop-up book, Dog, has become the first causality  She really had a blast tearing it completely apart. Now I know, pop-up books are for fun adult-supervised reading time.... Oh well, she had a fun time doing it.

Can you tell I am proud of her? 

We tried yet again to switch her off this crazy expensive lactose free formula, and yet, another failure. I guess she's just going to continue to be sensitive to the dairy. Makes me wonder about what we will do at a year when they are "supposed" to stop formula and start cows milk. I guess I'll start looking at alternatives. Any ideas?

She just had a major growth spurt and was eating like a pig, and sleeping like... well, a baby. She gained ONE POUND in one week. Easy for me to do, but when your only 20 pounds, thats a huge spurt! She now fits her 12 month clothes, and I just bought her a perfectly fitting jumper today that was 12-18 months. Where did my BABY go?

OK back to Easter. We got her a little basket with some fun things in it. She was THRILLED!!! She loved it and still prefers those toys over her old ones. I loved seeing her face when I gave it to her. I thought, man, this is the good stuff.