Sunday, September 13, 2015

Milburn Day with Mommy

Today Olive had a day with Mama, and I swear, it was fabulous. It was a wonderful 65 degrees with clouds and blue skies. We went over to Milburn Orchards, and just spent the day exploring. Fall is in the air, and pumpkins were everywhere!

She had a blast just taking her time, and doing whatever she wanted. It was just nice to slow down, and enjoy nature. My favorite thing was, we just happened to witness a mama goat GIVING BIRTH. We were just casually feeding the goats when I noticed something strange hanging out of one of them- AH! It was a BABY! We sat and watched this amazing birth. We watched this slimy goat fall to the ground, and the mama lick up all the goop. The baby was wobbly and had a hard time standing at first, but after a few minutes it was walking. An hour later it was climbing up the see-saw. I just thought it was so amazing. Olive was asking about why gross babies come out of the goat butt...... hahaha

She loved getting her face painted, playing gourd golf, playing in the bouncy house, and we even went in the haunted house (for about 2 minutes....) At lunch, we were sitting side by side at a picnic table eating peacefully, sharing a corn on the cob, and maybe telling a few poop jokes... I hugged her and said "oh, Olive I just love you so much". She grabbed my hand and said "Mama I love you so much too". I swear, right there.... One of my single favorite moments.

I think she went down this slide 20 times.

Sitting "Criss Cross Apple Sauce"

She was a baby spider that just climbed up the web.

After that we went and picked raspberries and grapes from the vine. She ran up and down the aisles, trying to sneek in another berry before I told her to put it in the basket. On the car ride home she enjoyed a fresh made apple cider doughnut.
Super SNEAKY face...... 

"I can put it in the box, or maybe just eat it..."

Mom, you stay over there and dont watch me....

It's just a wonderful day with the most amazing 3 year old. I love her beyond words.