Saturday, May 30, 2015

My Heart Is Happy

"Daddy, can you maybe make a swing for me?" A sweet question, that started a project for Adam. He hand carved the swing seat. Evenings have been spend sanding, carving, drilling, staining, painting..... The rope was ready to go, and today the swing finished. After Olive's nap, he told her he had a surprise for her. He took her out and showed it to her. He pushed her, and pushed her. She told him to stop because she wanted to "pump it" with her legs. After all was said and done she said "I love my swing.... My heart is happy now".... (no joke, she said that.)

These are the little things in life that make MY heart happy. Her daddy and I love her so much. Maybe one day this swing seat will be hanging in her dorm room next to one of these pictures of her and her sweet daddy.

This is living.