Thursday, May 22, 2014

Potty what?

Day 1:

I am sitting here while she naps, blown away by what happened this morning. She hasn't worn a diaper all day, and has just gone to the potty... the potty!? How did this happen? How did my little poop squirting, pee blow in public, 10 diaper a day baby become... this? I guess we started a long time ago, reading books, letting her watch us, and pointing things out. She seemed "ready' at about 14 months but would cry when she pooped, so we stopped offering. Here we are, 23 months old, and she just gets it? so sudden....

I think now I am the one being trained. I am figuring out what the hell I "supposed" to do here... I get on the Internet, and I read all these blogs about the "best" way, the "wrong" way, and all the ways to truly mess up your child... Don't say this, don't push, don't be this blah blah blah. I felt so overwhelmed by it last night that I just said... "I'll just play it by ear and see what happens"... I think deep down I hoped that she wasn't really ready, and I could just strap back on this amazing diaper and not have to worry anymore...

BUT, she woke up this morning and didn't want to wear her diaper. She WANTS to go in the potty. She WANTS to wear underwear. gulp gulp gulp.... what?

So, this is where we are. The couch cushions have been removed and covered with blankets, the bathroom doors are wide open and well stocked with toilet paper. I have a back pack packed with everything this clueless mom might need if we actually LEAVE the house..... what? We cant walk around pant-less?....

I am feeling brave, scared, confused, and a little sad, but mostly excited to see this little birdie exert her first true independence. She really does amaze me. I feel like as a mom, I am most of the time totally clueless, but things seem to just work out. So, I'm here again... along for a wild ride ahead I am sure!