Monday, March 3, 2014

Winter Girl

This winter is keeping us inside, but Olive is never tired of finding new stuff to get into inside. The past couple weeks she has been going through some pretty big developmental stuff, and just seems super busy. She's surprising us everyday with some new word or phrase. Its a real joy to watch what she's saying, and what is going on in that little head of hers. I can't keep up with documenting each new word, but heres a few favorite new things shes saying:

"mama- me out" (get me out of the crib)
"dada- help me"
"my dada hug"
"oh no!" "Where go?!"
- all animal NAMES. She used to just say the noises they make. Now its "Pig", "cow", "sheep" ect...
"Fall Down! Oh NO!"
- All colors except "brown". She can point and say each color that we ask her. She points out the color of everything. She loves colors...
- She can count ALMOST perfectly, to 10. It sounds more like this... "One, Two, Three, two, three, FIVE, six, eight, nine, TEN" apparently, four and seven are forgotten! haha
- She sings "Old McDonald" with me. Its adorable.

Shes really into CLEANING right now. If something is a mess, she says "oh no! clean!" She picks stuff up, sweeps, mops, and vacuums. She wants to vacuum with me multiple times a day. When shes eating, she asks for a "towel" to clean her hands.... and wipes off the table. I joke I have a little OCD toddler, but I'm not complaining. Im just waiting for her to start dusting and folding the laundry! haha

She loves watching TV and playing her IPAD, and is very good and navigating between her APPS. I think its a great learning tool, and it keeps her happy. I love it. She's really into POOH bear, Daniel Tiger, and Sophia the first.

She's not eating dairy, which has opened up her diet to all kinds of goodies she has never had before. She loves goldfish crackers and cheese! She eats pretty much everything I give her, and she eats a lot! She loves healthy foods like fruits and veggies and meats like chicken, turkey, ham, and fish. She also loves apple juice, which might just be helping us prefer the sippy cup over the bottle.

Shes growing up so fast. Im already starting to plan her 2 year birthday party. She pees or poops in the potty almost everyday (by herself), and she is down to bottles only at sleep time. (which is HUGE for her)

I look forward to spring with her. Maybe we will plant a garden. Maybe we will go to the beach. I just look forward to being able to take her to the park and let her run around outside!! It wont be much longer!!