Saturday, August 18, 2012

Houston, We have a smile!

We caught these cute pictures of Olive smiling today! It's like something just clicked and she thought "OH, this is what I am supposed to do when you look at me like that". We just love it!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

2 whole months

Today I was holding Olive and looking at pictures of the day she was born. It's amazing how much she has changed. I remember looking at this newborn and being amazed by how "shes here", and how little I actually knew her, but still would do anything for her. Now, I hold her and feel like I KNOW her. Like, we are connected.

 Every day she does something amazing. It really is the little things, that become big things as time goes by. She can hold up her head so well now, swats at toys, squeals with delight, smiles, frowns, and copies my facial expressions. She has a favorite toy (play mat), a favorite blanket (play quilt), and a favorite window covering (next to the changing table). She seems to anticipate feeding time now. I go to the kitchen, get her bottle, and we go sit on the couch. As I put the burp cloth under her chin, she really seems to smile and "know" what is about to happen. She loves her daddy. Oh, and does he love her. Daddy's chest is like Disney World to her. When she's tired she nussles her noes in my neck and makes a cute little puppy noise.

I just love her.

Today she turns 2 months, and its amazing how much she has grown since then. We made it through these couple months, even with the horrible week after her first vaccines. I wonder how much more she will grow in these next few months. I am excited to see!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Olive has hit a new phase here in life... She is awake way more! It's so nice to see her changing and growing, but I am like.. what am I supposed to DO with her now? I've been having fun watching her play on her play mat. She is now reaching for the toys, and even grabbed the rings once! She is happy in there for like 15 minutes, and spends about 5 min of that on her tummy. She loves being busy and learning! It's really amazing watching her. I even heard a "Ggggg" and a "mmm" from her the other day! Amazing! Hard to believe just a month ago she was sleeping all day....